Saturday Squats Salmon

Still new to this whole blogging thing so feel free to leave some suggestions!

I started of the day with my favorite: oatmeal with fresh strawberries. I swear breakfast is my favorite meal of the day😍😍


I then headed to the gym to do legs!
Glute ham raises 5×15🔥🔥
Squats 4×12🔥
Kneeling squats on Smith Machine 4×12🔥🔥🔥
Seated leg press 3×12 with 3×12 calf raises in between sets
2×15 leg extensions
3×15 donkey kicks
3×12 hamstring curls
3×12 cable squats🔥🔥🔥

Warm up- 15% incline 3.8 speed 15 minutes

I made a quesadilla for lunch on a low carb tortilla with chicken, cheddar cheese, green peppers, and onions. It was fire…..



After that I went to a local park to do some more cardio and get some steps in!


For dinner I had salmon marinated with: white wine, lemon juice, garlic, and more GARLIC. I had some riced cauliflower & sweet potato as a side ft. some leftover veggies👍

I ended the night cleaning my apartment, relaxing, and watching Netflix of course.

Happy Saturday!

Steps- 11,843 (@ 9:00pm)

Mantra: Relax. Release. Surrender.

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